I started this short animation loop in 2020 and made it up until the chick starts running before I got stuck. The first 300 frames or so were done on paper, then I moved to Clip Studio Paint. I returned to this project in 2024 and finished it off in Toon Boom Harmony. What felt hard four years prior now seemed easy - concrete proof of my improvement as an animator!

During the last month I was working on it, I documented my process in a series of free Patreon posts, which are all in this collection. As a reminder, I'm now posting 2-3 free blog posts a week on my Patreon, including my weekly Isle of Elsi comics page, with some commentary. Follow me over there to get these updates in your inbox!

Phase 7 #026 proof copy

Last week I finally finished Phase 7 #026 which is available for pre-ordering! If you are a Phase 7 subscriber and have moved in the last two years, please email me your updated address! I can also look up your subscription status in the Phase 7 subscriber database if you have any questions.

This issue tells the story of my parents going to see The Empire Strikes Back in 1980, me seeing Return of the Jedi in 1983, and my subsequent obsession with Ewoks. It also includes my 2023 and 2024 Hourly Comics! It's 32 pages, black and white, and should ship out in July!

You can read some sample pages, and find ordering information on the Phase Seven Comics website.


I'm having less and less fun on social media these days, so on June 23, 2024 I will be deleting my twitter, facebook, and instagram accounts. Below is an updated list of online platforms that I'll be using (for now) to share updates. If you're on any of these platforms and would like to get updates, please follow me there!

Isle of Elsi Updates

Isle of Elsi Updates

If you'd like to read each week's page of my webcomic Isle of Elsi you can do that for free on the website. There is also an RSS feed you can subscribe to, to get updates if you use RSS. If it's too much trouble to check the site, you can also get updates about each post on Tumblr or have each page arrive in your inbox every week by following me on Ko-Fi, which also has a simple system for making one-time or recurring donations, if you want to support the comic!

If you subscribe to my Patreon, you can get the weekly Isle of Elsi posts in your inbox for free, or if you subscribe at $1/month you get access to my monthly backer blog posts where I share behind the scenes looks at my comics, illustration, and animation projects. There's also an archive of 600+ posts! This support is greatly appreciated, as it makes it possible for me to take on less freelance work and focus more on my artistic projects.

Social Media Updates

For social media updates about my projects I'm going to keep posting on BlueSky and Mastodon for now. I also set up a new profile on the Cara app. If you're not on any of those platforms, you can also just sign up for the Phase Seven Comics Newsletter, which goes out twice a year with a recap of my recent projects.

Animation Updates

I'm not sure how much longer vimeo will be around, but I'm going to keep posting my animation projects on there until it goes away. I'm also experimenting with posting some of my smaller animation projects onto my YouTube channel as "shorts."

My Personal Website

If everything listed above sounds like a drag, you can always just check this website, where I'll continue to post links to my latest work, public events where I'll be exhibiting, new books, etc!


June 15-16 I will be exhibiting in the Artists Alley at Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival (A2CAF) in Michigan! I'm going to be traveling light, and will only have the following three items for sale:

If you will be in the area that weekend, swing on by! There are some amazing special guests, a bunch of fun panels and live drawing events, a gallery exhibit of original comic art, and lots more!

Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol

Today is the release date of Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol published by FirstSecond Books. I colored this book! At 352 pages it is the longest graphic novel I have ever colored. I’m very proud of the work I did on this project and it was so fun collaborating with and learning from Vera. There were some extra pages in the back so FirstSecond included a two-page spread documenting the coloring process!

I received some early comp copies a few weeks ago and my two daughters have read this book dozens of times. I’m biased, but I think it’s a great book with an important message. I recommend picking it up at your local bookstore or comic shop, or checking it out from your local library!
